Playing sunday at Cafe Zeit -Raum with Nesin Howhannesijan
from 13:00-15:30. Walther Schreiber Platz, Berlin.
Here’s a taste of something the incredible Johan Leijonhufvud @jleijonhufvud and I are working on. More to come.
Live in Berlin, Tuesday 7.2.2023
James Scholfield / Bernd Spanier/ Andrea Marcelli
Organ trio Contemporary, Latin Jazz and Blues
James Scholfield (g),
Bernd Spanier (organ),
Andrea Marcelli (dr)
Live in Berlin, Tuesday 7.2.2023
![]() | James Scholfield / Bernd Spanier/ Andrea Marcelli Organ trio Contemporary, Latin Jazz and Blues James Scholfield (g), Bernd Spanier (organ), Andrea Marcelli (dr) |
Natascha Roth, Oktober + Band
Sat Dec 18 2021 at 09:00 pm to Sun Dec 19 2021 at 12:00 am
B-Flat-Berlin | Berlin
Nathascha Roth (voc), OKTOBER-„Clara Rothländer“ (voc), James Scholfield (g), Paul Kleber (b) Chris Farr (dr)

Natascha Roth: genießt seit vielen Jahren ihre Laufbahn als Jazzsängerin, Komponistin und Dozentin für Gesang. Nach Wahlheimaten in Südafrika und New York City, ist Berlin der geographische Mittelpunkt ihres Lebens und künstlerischen Schaffens. Nataschas Musik reicht von “World-Acoustic-Folk”, über Musica Popular Brasiliera bis zum Great American Songbook des Jazz. Sie unterrichtet als Dozentin für Gesang an der Universität der Künste in Berlin sowie an der SRH School of Popular Arts.
OKTOBER: Früher als “Clara Rothländer” erfolgreich bei The Voice Of Germany. Jetzt als Oktober beschreib sie sich als: junge queere Künstlerin und Produzentin aus Berlin. Irgendwo zwischen Übersensibilität, Traumaverarbeitung und weiblichem Empowerment. Oktobers Musik reicht von Singer-Songwriter über Contemporary-Folk zu Indie-Pop. “Die Umarmung, die du bei meinen Texten brauchen wirst, bekommst du von meiner Stimme.”
20:15|:Live Concert-Live Streaming,modern jazz
Bill Petry – Trumpet
James scholfield – Guitar
Niklas Lukassen – Bass
Feat: Peter Weniger – Saxophone
Der in Berlin geborene Trompeter Bill Petry gilt als Lyriker der deutschen Jazz-Szene und schon heute zu den unverkennbarsten Vertretern seiner Generation. So sagte Till Brönner über ihn: „Ich muss nur zwei Töne hören und ich weiß: Es ist Bill“An diesem unterhaltsamen Abend, der wunderschöne Melodien aus dem Great American Songbook mit Originals vereinen wird, trifft er in einer intimen Besetzung auf den virtuosen und vielseitigen Peter Weniger, der zu zu den herausragendsten Saxophonisten Europas gehört.
©Foto: Till Brönner

Masters dissertation – Johnny Fourie.
I’ve just earned a Masters degree from the University of Cape Town. I wrote my thesis about South African jazz guitarist Johnny Fourie. If you would like to download it please click on the link below:

European Tour 2020 with Melanie Schlotz

Fall Tour 2020
Smallest Kingdom
- Freitag 18.09.2020 Orania Berlin
- Samstag 19.09.2020 Badische Hof
- MO 21. 09. 2020 – OSTRAVA-South/Jih,
- Dienstag 22. 09. 2020 – BOSKOVICE-castle,
- Mittwoch 23. 09. 2020 – ŽĎÁR n/Sáz.-castle,
- Donnerstag 24. 09. 2020 – UHERSKÉ HRADIŠTĚ,
- Freitag 25. 09. 2020 – BRNO-Stará pekárna
- Samstag 26. 09. 2020 – LIPTOVSKÝ MIKULÁŠ
- Sonntag 27. 09. 2020 – DOLNY KUBIN (SK),
- Montag 28.09.2020 – ZWE (AUT)
- Dienstag 29. 09. 2020 – ČESKÁ LÍPA-U bílýho černocha,
- Mittwoch 30. 09. 2020 – PRAHA-Jazzdock,
- Donnerstag 01. 10. 2020 – CHOMUTOV–churche,
- Freitag 02. 10. 2020 – MILEVSKO,
- Samstag 03. 10. 2020 – TEPLICE-jazzclub,
- Sonntag 04. 10. 2020 – KLADNO-Petr Kratochvil,
- Montag 05.10.2020 – Abensberg Jazzclub
Live In Cape Town 2019

Facing South
Jagger Lounge Cape Town
Masters of Music in Cape Town
Right now I am studying for a Masters in Music at the University of Cape Town thanks to the support of the Berlin Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und EuropaMusikförderung JAZZ.
vive le jazz -Trio
James Scholfield – Gitarre
Lars Gühlcke – Kontrabass
Rolf Römer – Saxofone
Eintritt 15,00 EUR, erm. (Schüler/Stud.) 12,00 EUR
vive le jazz -Trio
Mit großem Einfühlungsvermögen tauchen hier drei Spitzen-Musiker der Berliner Jazzszene in die musikalische Welt des legendären Swing – Jazz- Gitarristen
James Scholfield – Gitarre
Lars Gühlcke – Kontrabass
Rolf Römer – Saxofone
Freitag 23.3.2018 um 20.30 Uhr
Eintritt 15,00 EUR, erm. (Schüler/Stud.) 12,00 EUR
Young Voices Brandenburg
On Tour with:
Montreux Jazz Festival
Cape Town Dates
Nicky Schrire & James Scholfield at Alexander Bar & Cafe
15 May 2016
Vocalist/Songwriter Nicky Schrire and Berlin-based jazz guitarist James Scholfield team up to present an intimate duo evening of jazz standards and folk songs. Nicky Schrire has performed in New York, Los Angeles, Boston, London, Dublin and South Africa, with musicians ranging from Sibongile Khumalo to Grammy-nominated pianist Gerald Clayton. James has performed at venues including Ronnie Scotts (UK), Royal Albert Hall (UK), the Monte Carlo Jazz Festival, and the Cape Town International Jazz Festival.
“Not for a moment did she or the band cease to be anything less than mesmerizing. This was sheer talent and harmony, perfectly housed in the Mahogany Room which provided a small yet intense space for a very happy audience.” – Read more on Nicky Schrire by Christine Hogg
Venue: Alexander Bar & Café, 76 Strand Str, Cnr Loop, Cape Town
Time: 7.30pm
Cost: R90 – R100
Tel: 021 300 1652
Email: |
Facebook: Alexander Bar, Café and Theatre
Twitter: @AlexanderBarCT
On Tour
On Tour with Curtis Stigers:
22.09.2014 | D-Berlin | Heimathafen Neukölln | web |
24.09.2014 | D-Hamburg | Mojo Club | web |
25.09.2014 | D-Herford | Marta (AUSVERKAUFT) | web |
26.09.2014 | D-Verden | Stadthalle | web |
07.11.2014 | D-Dresden | Boulevardtheater | web |
08.11.2014 | D-Halle | Händelhalle | web |
09.11.2014 | D-Helmbrechts | Bürgersaal (AUSVERKAUFT) | web |
10.11.2014 | D-Nürnberg | Maritim | web |
11.11.2014 | D-Mainz | Frankfurter Hof | web |
12.11.2014 | D-Bochum | Christuskirche | web |
14.11.2014 | A-Linz | Posthof | web |
15.11.2014 | A-Wien | Porgy & Bess | web |
Natascha Roth
I’m very excited to be playing with Natascha Roth this weekend at the Kammergarn Int’ Jazzfestival. If you are anywhere near Kaiserslauten please come by.
Some new dates.
26th Feb with the Chris Farr Quartet at Bartausend in Berlin Mitte, 10:00pm
27th Feb Oli Rockberger CD launch at the A Trane in Berlin.
25th April Natascha Roth in Kammgarn, Kaiserslauten D.
In Duo with Curtis Stigers UK
All Stations-Challenge Records Int.
Artist: James Scholfield, Billy Hart
[bandcamp album=989159062 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande2]
James Scholfield born in Manchester, England and moved to South Africa in his childhood. After playing in all kind of different bands he was bitten by the Jazz-bug. That made him decide to study at the excellent Jazz school in Graz, Austria for several years, but South Africa eventually pulled him back. In Cape Town he met Dutch producer/bassplayer Hein Van de Geyn, who was visiting South Africa at that time. Hein immediately was impressed, not only by his excellent playing, but also by his prolific compositions. As you will hear yourself James’ music has a very personal signature, deeply rooted in the tradition, hints of the Cape, on the edge and above all original. Not too long after hearing James’ demo Hein bumped into Dutch hammond player Arno Krijger and he immediately realised that he should get these two wonderful musicians together at some point. The only thing they missed (according to Hein) was a great drummer. In his mind it couldn’t be anybody else than the amazing, exciting Billy Hart. And if it had to be, Billy was up to it and even better, going to be on tour. So now they had a tour and the possibility to record. The result of their wonderful week, of great music and good food can be heard on this CD. It’s strong, potent, gentle, sensitive, grooving, original, accesible and creative. And on top of all that recorded in the SACD format, which gives this music even more intensivety then a normal recording would do. So listen and enjoy!
Hein Van De Geyn
Way Out South, Natascha Roth and JS
Produced, engineered, arranged, composed, played – James
“Way Out South” – A journey into a world of sounds and space and hypnotic rhythms. The South is a spiritual place within as well as a physical reality without. A world of extremes where light and dark meet, where music heals and reconnects the spirit.
South African duo Natascha Roth and James Scholfield were lucky enough to borrow some particularly tasty gear for the making of this album, and they’ve made full use of it. Their sound layers arpeggiated guitars from Schofield with Emmylou Harris-style warbling from Roth, and since the overall feel is very gentle and downbeat, there is precious little room for bad sounds to hide. Happily, then, the playing, singing and recording are all excellent
“Sound On Sound”
[bandcamp album=298115135 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande2]
The Scotsman review, Curtis Stigers, Edinburgh
Review: Curtis Stigers, Dirty Martini, Edinburgh
Curtis Stigers, Dirty Martini, Edinburgh, Monday December 3rd *****
The four months which have passed since Curtis Stigers last walked off the stage at the Dirty Martini evaporated in a nanosecond on Monday night when he didn’t so much start a new residency in the opulent, and intimate venue – as pick up where he left off in the summer, greeting the packed audience like old pals, and engaging in the same sort of cosy, often confessorial, banter that had marked his July appearances and helped make them so enjoyable.
Stigers clearly thrives in this “Up Close and Personal” type of gig, accompanied by just guitarist James Scholfield. Not only is there the engagement with an adoring audience which hangs on his every word from an unusually close vantage point, but there’s an informality and looseness to the show, which allows Stigers’s dry sense of humour to flourish – and inspired him on Monday to play well beyond last bus time.
Anyone who heard Stigers in the summer knows that his repertoire spans his old pop hits, more recent singer-songwriter material, original songs and standards from the Great American Songbook. Only at a Stigers gig would you hear the sublime and rarely sung Rodgers and Hart ballad You Are Too Beautiful followed by the US biker drama Sons of Anarchy’s hard rock theme tune, on which Scholfield unleashed his inner Jimi Hendrix to memorable effect.
And the variety doesn’t end there: with his vocals, two saxes and acoustic guitar, plus Scholfield’s electric guitar, there is a rich palette of sounds for Stigers to work with. Consistent throughout, however, were his energy; his gutsy, emotionally honest and utterly mesmerising singing and the rapport between two like-minded, top-notch musicians. If you don’t catch them this week, it surely can’t be long until they’re back …
First published in The Scotsman on Wednesday, December 5th
Cape Town International Jazz Festival-25 March
February 23 2011 at 10:17am
In addition to ensuring the choice of listening to 40 bands on five stages, the festival’s organisers have put together four concept bands specifically assembled for the event.
A Tribute to Oscar Peterson will feature pianist Jack van Poll, globetrotting guitarist James Scholfield and Dutch bassist Hein van Geyn.
Opting for a piano-guitar-bass format that resembles the definitive Oscar Peterson-Ray Brown-Herb Ellis trio, the three will dig deep into the late Canadian pianist’s swinging repertoire. MORE………